Wedding Speech Testimonials 6

Wedding Speeches

I have attached a draft of my speech as father of the bride on Saturday 15th Jan, YES, i am terrified.

I would appreciate any constructive critisism, and or any suggestions, I have used your material thankyou which i have found to be very helpful.

My personality type is certainly not gregarious, more the serious type ( grumpy old Scotsman ) but with humour, I have misgivings about using the second paragraph using the hotel room joke ? do you deem it as appropriate.

Wedding in Melbourne.

Any feedbck welcome and may you have a wonderful 2011.


Brian Flaherty
VIC 3089

The wedding speech package was most helpful as I prepared the speeches for my son’s wedding just last month. User-friendly examples, many good tips, and a variety of speeches for every need were all there!

If I had to do it all over, I would definitely buy this book again. Thanks to the rich content, the speeches I prepared were most successful!

All the best!!

John K. Smith
SC 29206

I haven’t done my speech as yet it is for my daughter’s wedding end of August.

However, your pack helped me a great deal- I found one that was very similar to my daughter and modelled mine from there.

It started me off in the right direction and gave me a template to work with

Thanking you


Kathryn T Micallef
NSW 2155

Just downloaded your kit and had a quick browse through… Although I am not a fan of public speaking I really don’t have trouble with it unless it involves my daughters or granddaughter !!

The last major speech I had to give was for my oldest daughter’s 18th (she is the bride to be) I got through about one and half line before emotions took over and my wife had to finish it for me…

Anything that involves them and I need to talk about I can feel the tears welling up and the voice loses the plot and that is it !

Any tips ?

The wedding is Saturday week, I always leave things to the last minute.. I have even arranged a Dr’s appt to see if might give me something !


Shaughan Piper
QLD 4342

Thank you John. I found the wedding pack very helpful, as i didn’t have a lot of time to prepare and wasn’t sure on what things I had to mention.

It also showed me a way of covering a difficult situation. The feed back i received, was that it was a very good speech, and I am not sure how things would have gone without it.


A R Plumridge
NSW 2527

My speech was well received and the most important thing I think was the order in which the speech set out what I wanted to say, thanks to your help, I have received no negative comments at all and quite a few comments of good speech Trevor.

The night was a great success.


Trevor Browne
NSW 2560

As his father died a few years ago I felt that I had a very important speech to make and with your encouraging words etc I feel I did a good job, everyone commented on my speech which was full of feelings.

Thank you so much!


Shirlene Reardon
VIC 3995

Your information is good, most of it is not me, however I modified Father of the Groom template 2 & it went over very well.

Basically I see your literature  as pool of ideas, which gets you started.

Very helpful.


Edward C Banks
VIC 3915

Yes I was able to pick and choose parts from all examples. I’m told it was a wonderful speech.

You might include something for single parents, or examples when your child was difficult to raise and not so glowing as in your examples.

Margaret Menegon

I started with the challenging quote, “Congratulations on the termination of your isolation…..”

Once I got through that the rest was easy!

Thanks again!

Gary Gross
GA 30753

Wedding Speeches


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