Attention: All Maids of Honor who think they can write their own Maid of Honor Speech
“For the First Time Ever Wedding Speech Expert Finally Reveals Her Top Speech Samples and ‘Insider’ Shortcut Secrets to Ensure You Write and Deliver an ‘Unexpected Jaw-Dropping’ Maid of Honor Speech”
These ‘Bag of Tricks’ will help you take your speech and your friendship to a whole new level all-together.
The Best Part is: YOU can master (in one afternoon) the same simple ‘system of speech seduction’ even if you are dead lazy about writing your grocery list and the idea of facing an audience freaks the hell out of you. OR even if you are a pro who loves to pen some beautiful words and are cool as cucumber onstage. This speech package will get your blood racing and will get you darned excited.
“I was actually thinking of writing my own maid of honor speech until I stumbled upon Belinda’s material and decided to try out her course. Thanks to my Good Senses!!Cool tricks and technique you must see before you do anything about your speech. I could have never written such an incredible speech on my own. You’ll surely be blown away by what Belinda has to offer.”- Mary K. Collins, Blountville, TN |
![]() | From: Belinda Hamilton – Author of several Popular Wedding Speech Books ![]() Click below for a personal message from Belinda |
Dear Friend,
This is a MUST-READ letter for anyone who wants to walk that extra mile and do that li’l bit of extra effort to make the most important day, of the most important friend, of your life freaking fabulous! Especially if you’d love to instantly clear the fog about writing (not only a speech but just about anything) and public speaking FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
Let’s face is. Public speaking is the number one fear, number two being death. None of us really enjoy the idea of hundreds of eye-balls glaring at us with laser sharp focus. A formal occasion like wedding makes the job even more difficult and confusing. Even pro speakers have confessed they have monsters dancing in front of their eyes when they step on stage. Over time they have developed their own bunch of tricks to calm those overwhelming nerves.
Worse still, if your message is not carefully-written chances of a disaster are even higher.
Here’s the thing: DO NOT be complacent about your maid of honor speech and DO NOT ASSUME things will fall into place. Chances are you will deliver below your potential. Remember thinking about facing an audience and actually facing an audience are two different things all-together. On the other hand by having the right information on your finger tips you will not only ensure a cracking speech but will surely REDEFINE your friendship.
After all your best friend has entrusted you with a BIG responsibility. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the importance of a Maid of Honor Speech.
Ask yourself: Don’t you owe it to your friend (who has put in all her trust on you and hopes you live up to her expectations) to come up with something unbelievably brilliant?? Something to be remembered and talked about forever.
If you really want to astonish, shock and bewitch the guests with your ‘drive them insane’ maid of honor speech and make the bride thank herself for choosing you as her maid of honor, then this is gonna be the most exciting message you ever read.
These are the secrets that can take any person at any level…and launch you into a whole new world of amazing skills that will leave other speakers slack-jawed.
The flawless premium quality speech samples that are flexible and adaptable ensure you get theright format, flow, structure and words for your perfect speech. Simply select portions of these awesome samples and make them a part of your own speech. Your impressive speech is ready within a matter of minutes! Also the step by step thought process and powerful writing techniques that pro writers use are all revealed to you. This will make writing a real cakewalk for you not only for the wedding speech but for anything in life. With the hot tips, tricks and strategies of confident public speaking you will shred the fear of facing an audience forever.
Do you want the permanent chops that earn instant respect…and make writing and public speaking fun?
And you wanna be able to begin using your new skills tonight?
Well, guess what? It can all be yours, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible. Because these shortcuts work for anyone – whether you’re a raw rookie who hates to write and speak in public or a veteran speaker who really wants to make an impression as a Maid of Honor.
That’s right. No matter where you are now, skill wise…you can quickly and easily master the head-turning skills of the best speech writers and pro public speakers out there. All the truly killer skills and abilities will be yours.
It’s all about the shortcuts.
Let me explain: Ever envied people who just know how to stun and impress audience simply by choosing the right words and writing them with the right punch? Ever been jealous of how smoothly some speakers take on a room full of audience and glide through their speech smoothly, easily and confidently without a single moment of awkwardness, nervousness and embarrassment? Well here is your only chance to be the envy of others. To make others jealous of the confidence, charm and classiness with which you take on the role of Maid of Honor.
Don’t believe me?
Excerpt from Press Release Published in Webwire on the occasion of release of this exclusive Maid of Honor Speech Package Until now, this sought-after pro (Belinda) only shared her “learn it now, blow away other speakers on the occasion” secrets of killer writing techniques and mastering public speaking skills with a handful of private clients who could afford her outrageous fees. Now, with the sudden release of this incredible information, anyone can take their speech skills from wherever they are now to respected mega-skilled star status in a stunningly short time. |
“Well this stuff is the real deal and it’s quick and easy to learn. Belinda is the most ‘sought-after’ names in the speech industry in the LA area. (She has been called the ‘secret-weapon’ behind massively successful speeches that are still talked about) Very well deservingly she is freaking expensive. People pay a fortune for an hour with her over phone and at the end of it they realize why they were made to pay such an outrageous amount. Simply because this was a life changing one hour for them. What they learn from Belinda instantly takes their outlook on writing and their self-confidence to a whole new level. In this speech pack Belinda has fleshed out every ounce of knowledge she has – all the skills, tactics and strategies she has learned over the past decade is all laid out for you in a simple easy-to-follow guide. You will turn a new leaf with this information. ” |
..Not an Awkward Moment… Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Chris, Massachusetts USA |
![]() I was surely the best speaker at my best friend’s wedding.Hi Belinda. Well being a girl it makes it quite difficult to overshadow the guys when it comes to wedding speeches. The guys are expected to be funny and wacky and the girls are expected to be emotional and sloppy. But that surely wasn’t the situation in my case. I was surely the best speaker at my best friend’s wedding and it was such a joy to be better than the Best Man. Not that I was in a competition but, the way people responded to my speech it was very obvious. So many people came up to me and complemented me after I finished. It was so overwhelming. It was all so magical! Thanks so much for making the entire process so easy and rewarding. With best wishes. Kathryn Bywater |
Just imagine what this information can do for you. This will change your life. Immediately.
Even more amazing…with the skills I reveal, you can include head-turning tricks with total confidence and flexibility. (Check out the testimonials from speakers below).
With my valuable material I will ensure you are suddenly the entertaining writer and confident speaker in your town. Other speakers at the wedding will actually like a quite escape without uttering a single word.
Here’s what I have got for you:
This is your chance to dazzle and overwhelm the guests at the wedding with the power of words. My 25 high quality, exclusive maid of honor speech samples (that took me years of research to compile) will fill you in with just the right thoughts, words and flow for your speech….in just a matter of minutes. In fact the speech samples are written in a way that you can simply copy and paste portions of them to make a part of your own speech. Imagine the amount of time, stress and anxiety you will save and imagine what value my years of experience can add to your maid of honor speech.
Your friendship demands this ‘expression of emotions’ at the most important day of your friend’s life. My material will help you select the right thoughts and words to ensure you take your friendship to a whole new level of comfort and companionship. Remember this is a once in a lifetime moment and you gotto live your role to perfection.
Move like lightning through the four stages of speech mastery from ‘no clue at all’ to ‘this is easy’ in just a few short hours…and then on to ‘ready for the stage’ straight to ‘impress all your friends to the point you scare them’. Even if the wedding day is tomorrow there is absolutely no need to panic. You will be more than prepared to rock and roll…
How to think “rationally and emotionally” just like a pro writer – the tricks that separate the really talented writers from the ‘just another writer’ lot. You will simply love this easy and simple tips and techniques that will stay with you forever. Writing is one of the most important skills of our times. Be the envy of your friends the next time you write a birthday message, a farewell message, a short note to your partner or even a report to your boss. These ‘bag of tricks’ will help you all the way to ensure your words stand out in the clutter. Amaze, shock and even anger your friends and colleagues with the tips and tricks of pro writers on your finger tips.
Say goodbye to public speaking fear forever – never ever in your life be anxious about public speaking – instead be darned excited. The tips, techniques and strategies of public speaking that I will share with you will tap deep into the natural super clean source of power hiding inside you. Be the person who will turn heads around not only at the wedding (where your speech offcourse will make other speakers literally wish to hide their faces and will warm the bride’s heart in a way she will love and cherish you even more) but all your life – permanently.
Most of us are at the mercy of how our timing “feels” on any given day. I will change all this for you in about 5 minutes. I will literally force your “timing” to be automatically perfect on the wedding day leaving nothing on luck. It’s as simple as this – with these shortcut-secrets you will now be 100% assured and confident that your speech will be a stunning success. This is a sudden expertise that will get people talking about you in friend and family gatherings and get-togethers. You will be filled with a great sense of achievement.
The best part is: The entire process is so simple and easy that the moment you start reading, the information will flow inside your brain effortlessly without complications – revealing to you all that took years of research to be complied and put together. Don’t spend a second learning anything complicated that you’ll never use – instead I will show you ONLY what you need to know. It’s easy the way I will teach you.
What’s more – This incredible information is so simply laid out for you in a step by step manner that it is literally possible for you to master the skills of writing and delivering in an unbelievable short span of time. These ‘speech – mastering’ shortcuts especially designed for wedding speeches (that can be used forever by you in all aspects of life) have never ever been laid out in such a simple, easy format by any professional. (Priceless stuff that will change your life on the spot) – fast, easy and quick.
Use these few tips and tricks to learn instantly how to…
Connect With Your Audience
And a ton more: Plus, loads of other stuff to ensure you live your role of a Maid of Honor to perfection. Besides the speech you will be fully prepared for all the other duties that a maid of honor is expected to perform. Never look back on your maid of honor role as a bad horror flick. Instead be filled with an amazing sense of accomplishment.
The Exclusive Maid of Honor Package Includes:
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Claim Your Copy of Time Tested and Proven Speeches Right Now by Clicking Here
Here is what you will get as an added Bonus if you order Right Now
![]() Bonus #1 Wedding Etiquette SecretsWeddings are truly special occasions and you really can’t afford to embarrass yourself. This comprehensive book will reveal all the secrets you MUST know about wedding etiquettes. This is where you will learn how to plan, manage and adapt etiquette to the wedding. Here’s part of the topics you will learn inside:
Value: $37.95 Yours for FREE |
Claim Your Copy of Time Tested and Proven Speeches Right Now by Clicking Here
![]() Bonus #2 Confident Public Speaking UnlockedBoth content and presentation are equally important aspects of speech giving. If you are confident then it really shows and believe me that makes all the difference. You will learn all the important facets of confident public speaking in this book. Public speeches are delivered on many different occasions, but no matter what the occasion, the speaker hopes to get the audience to accept his point of view. This purpose should be put into a sentence which is specific and concrete. A clear knowledge of the purpose in speaking is as helpful to the speaker as a road map is to the driver. The purpose gives direction to the speech and, to a degree, governs all subsequent efforts the speaker makes. Having one central idea, broken up into several sub-ideas properly selected and supported, is a means of ensuring smooth flow in a speech. As a result of this flow, the audience will believe you have given it a complete picture. In order to do this, the speech must get the attention of the audience, make the audience like or respect you (or both), and create an interest in the ideas you are going to present. Here is a glimpse of what you will find inside:
Value: $9.95 Yours for FREE |
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How much? A drop-dead bargain. My non-negotiable fee for private “workshop” lessons is a minimum $ 1,000 for each 2 hour session. What you get in this exclusive maid of honor speech package is worth $ 1,500 in private lessons – it’s packed with all the tricks, tactics, tips and shortcuts that I have learned from 10 years at the top of speech scene.
But you’re not even gonna pay a fraction of that amount. Nope. Because I have decided it’s high time that more and more people deserve to learn this stuff…I really don’t want anyone shut out because of price.
So you can have the entire package along with the bonuses for just $ 19.97. perso you don’t risk a penny, because you’re covered by a…

I am offering this guarantee for the simple reason that I am dead confident of the information I am going to share with you. Also when I buy stuff online myself, I can’t see it and touch it so I feel I have taken a bit of a risk. I know exactly how it feels so I have eliminated all the risk for you.
There’s just one small problem: You must HURRY! I have only created a limited number of these packages at this discounted price. I am in discussions with my partner and based on the market response and testimonials we have received so far we are planning to raise the price substantially soon.
The reason is simple – we feel we are offering too much for too little price and considering the experience we hold and the material we are offering we feel we definitely deserve more. So it’s important that you order right now, while we are offering so much stuff along with the bonuses at such a throw-away price! If you wait, you may simply miss out.
Here’s what I want you to do: If you have been with me this far then I know you are the type of person who will benefit immensely from this stuff.
All you need to do is simply click the order button and you will have the entire material along with the bonuses on your computer screen instantly – ready for use.
Even if you are downloading something for the first time, the step by step easy guide to download will ensure you have no problems at all in getting the entire book on your computer instantly.
Again, you are completely covered with a 2 month 100% Money Back Unconditional Guarantee, so you don’t risk anything. But, you must hurry. This is your moment to shine and make the most of this opportunity. This is life-changing information.
You are in no obligation to keep this. You really need to see this yourself as to why so many people have invested in this speech pack, why so many people have given testimonials, why I feel so strongly about all this.
If this speech is important in your life, if it is something that will give you the challenge, if you really want to make sure you did everything you could to make your friend feel special on the most important day of her life, then in the next few minutes you could be looking at a customized action plan for the single action you need to take to ensure you come up with a splendid speech.
This is not something that you are going to put away on shelf. This is information you are going to use all your life to impress people in all walks of life.
Here’s the deal: My reputation is at stake with what I am offering in this speech package. I am certainly not going to lie to you (especially with the money-back guarantee I am offering where you can always check out all the stuff yourself, show it to your friends, your partner or anyone and if you later decide you don’t like it you get ALL your money back! Now it can’t get better than this.)
A small error can permanently damage something that you could have made so beautiful and memorable. You really NEED this stuff to deliver what you are really capable of delivering. Simply because I have gone deeper into this subject than you will be able to and I really want you to make use of this information. No-one else is going to spoon-feed you every single trick, tactic and strategy like I can, because no one else has been through it all like I have.
Just relax and enjoy yourself. And learn to be humble while you are mercilessly scaring the hell out of other speakers at the wedding.
Remember, “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to ACT!!”
Best of success,
Belinda Hamilton
P.S. One more thing – I almost forgot. I will include a bonus book on Bridal Shower calledBeautiful Bridal Showers. This will help you plan the most memorable bridal shower for the beautiful bride. From planning the theme of the party to invitations to games and gift ideas you name it and you got it! These ideas will help you easily and quickly plan the most beautiful bridal shower that will impress the bride as well as the guests!
P.P.S. Also I will send you a book called – The Ultimate Guide to Bachelorette Party. The book will help you easily and quickly plan the most unique and exclusive bachelorette party, making it an unforgettable experience for everyone. You will find lots of themes, ideas and everything you need to know to set the ball rolling and keep your guests enthralled.
P.P.P.S. Oh…and check out what people who have invested in my maid of honor speech package have had to say about my “system of speech seduction”.
“Belinda’s approach is so fresh, you’ll unlock your hidden talent in flash!” Mary Martinez, Syosset, NY, USA |
“I have an amazing new self-confidence when I talk to people. It’s impressing the hell out of a lot of people.” Patricia Dortch, VIC, Australia |
“I had my heart-warming perfect speech ready within minutes…thanks to Belinda’s ‘quick-learn’ speech training”Madison A. Barnes, EASINGTON, UK |
“I impressed one and all in the wedding. The room was full of hysterical laughs and teary eyes. One look at my best friend and I knew I had done the job! Belinda is a real winner.”Sophia Stephens, Vancouver, Canada“ |

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